Friday, February 3, 2012

Guilty Pleasures: Pink

My Friday travels led me on a slew of errands, which included finding new swim goggles, since my current pairs (yes, pairs) are not working out. As I stood in the very small swim section of a sporting goods store, I found myself drawn to the pink Speedo Vanquisher goggles. I already have a pink suit, pink cap, pink sandals and an array of pink towels that accompany me to the pool. Pink goggles would have put me in a whole new category of crazy. So I settled for blue.

Worry not, there will be no shortage of pink in my life with my newest shoe acquisition. The Nike Pegasus!

I don't know what it is about the color pink. Maybe I just like having a favorite color to make decision making easier when it comes to accessories, such as goggles. Who knows.

In honor of Fess up Friday, I'd also like to confess the ninety bazillion interventions I'm currently trying to heal my dang'd foot. I will list them from most normal to most crazy:

1. One hour, 3x per week hip strengthening routine to prevent recurrence. Hello booty lock.
2. Nightly ice massage. That's a cup of frozen water,, gliding along the bottom of my foot for 5-7 minutes at a time, in the middle of winter
3. Rolling my foot on a spiked ball that looks like a dryer ball 2-3 times per day. I am not sure what it is but it is actually quite enjoyable.
4. Sleeping in a dorsiflexion boot. Which often results in numb toes in the middle of the night and me frantically prying my foot free.

5. Enduring one session a week of Active Release Technique (ART) which involves a massage therapist digging her knuckles into my plantar fascia and moving my foot, trying to make it snap, crackle and pop
6. Enduring 1-2 sessions a week of SASTM. Another massage technique, in which my PT uses a variety of plastic tools which look like ice scrapers, to again make my foot and calf snap, crackle, pop and often bruise. I affectionately refer to these tools as chisels.
7. Using an electric current to pump acetic acid (vinegar) into my heel to decrease inflammation. This results in my foot smelling like I took a bath with some Easter eggs.

At least I have lots of pretty pink accessories in my life to keep me smiling. Hey, if that is all it takes...

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