Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Supper and a Weekend Recap

I'm gonna go ahead and tell you how this is gonna go: Sundays are the day that I write down twice as many things on my to-do list that I will actually get done, and after all this time, I am still semi-surprised when I've crossed off 30% of the items on the list only to look at the clock and think Holy hell, how is it already XX:XX o'clock?! Among these items is a binge-cooking session, intended to yield mass amounts of food that theoretically should last me through Friday, but are always magically gone by Wednesday. Today's yield was decent: a soup, multiple smoothies, and this heavenly creation, the recipe for which I will share tomorrow:
Sundays are naturally a day for reflecting on the past weekend. In college, this was done generally after rolling out of bed hungover, dragging ourselves to the cafeteria, and piecing together the night before as a team while devouring anything to soak up the Saturday night residue in our guts. Now, I have either Sunday mornings with the group at Highbanks or easy mileage gossip sessions with Girl-Tights Nick, who will henceforth be referred to as Girl Tights.

After a horrendous, snowy mess of a long run yesterday morning which was capped off with a car driving by and soaking me in grungy, snow-slush muck from the thighs down, I went and watched teammates run at a relatively low-key indoor meet at Otterbein College. I know, it's dorky-watching people running in circles all afternoon. But I love it, and when you have company as good as I did, it's hard to beat an afternoon like that. After the meet, we migrated to Thai Grille and had some bangin' Thai food. I would drink my way through a swimming pool of peanut sauce if the opportunity presented itself.

I'm telling you, if you ever end up in Westerville, Ohio, you need to eat here. It's the kind of small, cozy space that might be easily overlooked if you weren't paying attention, but the owners-who also serve, cook, and do everything else were stand-up. I felt taken care of, and I would go back just to see that little happy Thai lady. You'll know who I'm talking about if you stop in. These pics sum up the day and evening pretty well:

Night, y'all!

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