Friday, January 27, 2012

Fess up Fridays: Guilty Pleasures Part Two

Fridays. I love Fridays. I had some time free up today in my busy schedule full of appointments and meetings. Most of which are geared towards improving my foot pain. No surprise there. Well, the unexpected free time meant more time at the gym.

Earlier this week, I learned that sports bra (only) is permitted on cardio equipment. A very minor detail that has improved my attitude towards cross training. And it creates a summer fake-out under the fluorescent lighting.

Today, as I pedaled furiously on the bike, sweat flying off in every direction, cursing myself for not packing a larger water bottle, the most perfect workout song came up on my playlist. LMFAO "Sexy and I Know It."

How does this song not make someone smile? Or work harder? Does it get any better?  Only if you're scantily clad in a sports bra and shorts in the middle of winter.

I was relatively certain that I was already viewed as the crazy cardio lady at my very conservative gym. Grooving, lip-syncing and continuing to propel the elliptical at 200+ rpm surely doesn't help clear that image.

1 comment:

  1. My 3 year-old has songs he calls "jams." That is one of his faves. He loves the wiggle part. It is an amazing song when working out. When you're back up and running put it near the end of a mix for a tempo run! I love your blog. It's super fun and I love all the food ideas. I might just have to whip up a pumpkin pizza for the kids. They're young enough I might be able to get away with it :)
